46The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy3.6 Is RLT Safe to Use with MetalImplants?When RLT interacts with metal implants, the light reflects off the metal and redirects through thesurrounding tissue. The extent of this reflection depends on the type of implant. For instance,small implants, like the pins used in long bone fractures, reflect minimal light due to their size.Red light therapy is safe to use with surgical or metal implants because it doesn’t generatesignificant heat. It is also safe to use with pacemakers because there is no transmission ofelectricity. When used appropriately, this therapy has no known major side effects. Researcheven shows it is highly effective for healing wounds after surgery. For example, RLT can aid inhealing after hip replacement surgery for hip osteoarthritis.Hip osteoarthritis (OA) is a long-term condition that damages joint cartilage, changes boneshape, and impairs movement. When other treatments don‘t work, patients may need a totalhip arthroplasty (THA), which is a surgery to replace the hip. It usually involves implantationof metal components. One study looked at how RLT might help reduce pain and inflammationafter THA surgery.35
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