35The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy3. How to UseYour RLT Device3.1 Difference BetweenLEDs and LasersThe history of RLT, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM), is closely tied to thedevelopment of lasers.31Lasers, which stands for „light amplification by stimulatedemission of radiation,“ are special light sources that produce a focused beam oflight all at one wavelength (the distance between two consecutive peaks of a lightwave, which determines the color of the light). They were first invented in 1960 byTheodore Maiman.The use of lasers for healing began in the late 1960s when a Hungarian doctor namedEndre Mester discovered that red laser light could stimulate hair growth in mice andhelp heal ulcers in humans.31This sparked interest in using red and near-infrared lightto treat various chronic diseases.
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