33The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy2.4.2 RLT and Allergic RhinitisA recent study explored the use of light therapy as atreatmentforallergicrhinitis,acommonconditioncharacterized by nasal inflammation due to allergens.26This condition, often known as hay fever, can significantlyimpactqualityoflifeandtypicallyrequiresongoingsymptom management.Theresearchersrecruited21patientswithconfirmedallergic rhinitis and treated them with a combinationof red light (660 nanometers) and infrared light (940nanometers).fortheirused26These specific wavelengths were chosenpotentiallow-powertherapeuticlighteffects.sources,eachThetreatmentemittingjust5milliwatts of energy. Patients applied this light therapy totheir nasal area three times daily, with at least 5 hoursbetween each session.They found that daily 10-minute treatments with red and blue light significantly reduced acne spots on the faceover three months.7Blue light was added because it helps kill bacteria that contribute to acne. This therapyimproved both visible acne and areas without visible acne.To measure the effectiveness of the treatment, the teamRQLQ62/100usedtwoassessmenttools.26TheRhinoconjunctivitisQuality of Life Questionnaire (RQLQ) evaluated overallimpact on daily life, while a visual analog scale (VAS)helpedVAS3/10patientsratetheirsymptomseverity.Beforetreatment, the median RQLQ score was 62 out of 100(with higher scores indicating more severe impact), andthe median VAS score was 3 out of 10.The results were promising. After two weeks of treatment, both RQLQ and VAS scores showed significantimprovement.26This positive trend continued, with even better scores recorded at the four-week mark. Notably,patients reported improvements in nasal congestion and runny nose as early as one week into the treatment.While these findings suggest that low-power light therapy could be an effectivetreatment for allergic rhinitis, with noticeable benefits appearing within a week,the researchers emphasize the need for larger, more comprehensive studies toconfirm these results.26
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