28The Ultimate Guide to Red Light Therapy2.3.3 RLT and AcneNew research is exploring RLT as a potential weaponagainstacne.Itseemstoworkbycalmingdowninflammation, which is a key player in acne breakouts.Thiscalmingtherapyeffectinfluencescalled cytokines.7mightthebereleasedueoftohowcertainredlightmoleculesThese cytokines are like messengers inthe immune system, and reducing their activity can helpbring down inflammation.AnotherbenefitofRLTisitsabilitytoreduceskinthickening called hyperkeratinization, a common issuewith acne that contributes to clogged pores.examinedtwostudiesthatincludeda7Scientiststotalof107participants, all aged between 12 and 40 years, who hadmild to moderate acne.They found that daily 10-minute treatments with red and blue light significantly reduced acne spots on the faceover three months.7Blue light was added because it helps kill bacteria that contribute to acne. This therapyimproved both visible acne and areas without visible acne.Even better, people in the study reported feeling better about their skin‘sappearance, which can be a big motivator to stick with any treatment.7Thisresearch suggests that RLT could be a safe, effective, and easy-to-use optionfor managing mild to moderate acne at home, without harsh chemicals.2.3.4 RLT and Burn Wound TreatmentScientists tested near-infrared light treatmentusing a laser to see if it helps heal deep burnsinmice.based8Theyonskinadjustedthetemperaturelighttointensityavoidtissuedamage. The results were promising: the lighttreatment sped up healing, especially in micewith increased activity in a healing pathway,and it reduced inflammation.
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