22The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyThe study involved over 2,200 patients, with an average age of 73.21Most (62%) had diabetes-related nervedamage called diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Diabetes is a common condition that affects a person’sability to control their blood sugar levels. Before treatment, sensory tests revealed that they had significantnumbness, with an average of more than 7 out of 10 spots on their feet where they couldn’t feel a light touch.53%53%ofthosewhoinitially had very poorsensationsomeregainedabilitytofeellight touch.66%Patientsfeelingof4.766%regainedinanspotsaverage-a66%improvement.AfterMIREtheiraveragescore2.4,therapy,droppedwhichreductionisinapainto67%painintensity.After MIRE therapy, this numbness improved dramatically.21Patients regained feeling in an average of 4.7spots - a 66% improvement. Importantly, over half (53%) of those who initially had very poor sensation regainedsome ability to feel light touch, which is crucial for foot protection.The study also examined pain levels.21Before treatment, even with pain medication, patients rated their painat an average of 7.2 out of 10. After MIRE therapy, their average pain score dropped to 2.4, which is a 67%reduction in pain intensity.These findings suggest that MIRE therapy could be a valuable tool for improvingthe lives of older adults with nerve damage.21By potentially reducing both painand numbness, this treatment could significantly enhance their overall qualityof life.
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