19The Ultimate Guide to Red Light TherapyAnother study explored the potential benefits of near-infrared (NIR) light therapy on muscle performance.17NIR light therapy involves applying invisible, heat-producing light to muscles, which some research indicatescan improve muscle function and aid recovery.The researchers conducted a crossover study with 39 healthy young adults (21 men and 18 women).Each17participant received both a real NIR light treatment and a sham treatment on their biceps muscle on differentdays. The order of treatments was randomized to ensure fairness. After each treatment, participantsperformed a challenging arm exercise routine.The study measured three mainfactors:how well participants couldmove their elbow (range ofmotion)howtendertheirmuscleswere to touch,and how strong their bicepswere.17Thesemeasurementsweretaken before the exercise and 48hoursTheaftertoassessresearchersalsorecovery.lookedathow much strength participantslost immediately after exercising.Thekeyfindingwasstrength during intense activity.studiesparticipants who received the realThedoses of NIR light to see if theNIR light therapy lost less strengththisimmediatelyexercisingrehabilitation settings, potentiallycompared to when they receivedhelping patients maintain muscleOverall, this study provides earlythe sham treatment.functionevidenceafter17differencewasthatWhile thesmall,itwas17researcherstherapyproposecouldwhilebethatusefulrecoveringinfrominjuries.thestudyhadusinghigher17muscleHowever,trybenefits could be increased.mightstatistically significant.shouldthathaveNIRsomelightbenefitsperformance,researchistherapyforbutmoretofullypotentialandneededThis result suggests that NIR lightlimitations. The effects observedunderstandtherapy applied before exerciseweredetermine the best ways to use it.mightresearchers suggest that futurehelpmaintainmusclerelativelysmall,andtheits
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