Nicholsons Company Brochure - Flipbook - Page 27
Natural Capital Appraisal
Brundenell Estates
Services Involved:
Ecology & Landscape Architecture
A bespoke natural capital approach was developed for the Deene
Park estate team and their advisors. This outlined the opportuni琀椀es
and risks linked with the estate’s key objec琀椀ves and exis琀椀ng
strategic plan.
“We worked closely with the Nicholsons team to develop a suite
of detailed plans, natural capital matrices and 昀椀nancial models,
that were focused on our speci昀椀c situa琀椀on and highlighted
clearly those opportuni琀椀es that we felt would be key to securing
the estate’s 昀椀nancial future. This informa琀椀on has proved very
helpful to the Trustees and will undoubtedly be invaluable in
guiding estate decisions as our environmental assets become
more and more important.”
Mark Coombs, Former Resident Agent for Brudenell Estates