Nicholsons Company Brochure - Flipbook - Page 12
Our Services
Garden Design
Landscape Architecture
Our experienced designers specialise in transforming outdoor
Our skilled professionals transform landscapes into a琀琀rac琀椀ve
spaces into stunning gardens. With exper琀椀se in crea琀椀ng bespoke
and func琀椀onal environments for residen琀椀al and commercial
designs that blend aesthe琀椀cs, prac琀椀cality and sustainability, we
clients. Underpinned by our green design audit and Building with
bring your vision to life. From concept development to detailed
Nature standards, the Landscape Architecture Team work in close
construc琀椀on drawings, our approach ensures that every element
collabora琀椀on with Nicholsons ecologists and arboriculturists to
is carefully considered. With a deep understanding of hor琀椀culture
ensure a cohesive design approach that maximises environmental
and a keen eye for design, we create unique gardens which re昀氀ect
outcomes. Clients are taken on a crea琀椀ve journey from ini琀椀al
your lifestyle and individuality.
concept design through to landscape masterplaning and project
Our team of highly skilled arborists have a deep understanding of
With a deep-rooted commitment to sustainable land management
tree health and maintenance. Our arboricultural services enhance
and a team of seasoned forestry professionals, we maximise the
beauty and improve the safety and longevity of trees. We are
value and poten琀椀al of forested areas. Our forestry team specialise
experts in tree pruning, removal and plan琀椀ng as well as tree health in 琀椀mber harves琀椀ng, forest inventory and mapping, new woodland
and risk assessments. Advanced techniques and state-of-the-
crea琀椀on and forest management planning. Extensive knowledge of
art equipment deliver excep琀椀onal results while priori琀椀sing the
forestry prac琀椀ces and cu琀�ng-edge technology ensure e昀케cient and
preserva琀椀on and conserva琀椀on of trees.
environmentally responsible opera琀椀ons.