NLP Annual Report FY24 - Report - Page 7
Launching 2024-2028 strategic framework:
Refocusing on K-12 news
literacy nationwide
For the past 16 years, NLP has led the development and
advancement of news literacy education in grades K-12 by helping
found the 昀椀eld and then growing to a national scale. In developing a
new strategic framework, we leveraged our successes and lessons
learned to identify barriers to widespread adoption of news literacy
and created a roadmap for breaking through those barriers.
Our ultimate objective is nothing less than ensuring that news
literacy becomes required teaching in all 50 states and the District of
Columbia. By reaching students while they are learning these other
critical life skills, they also gain the knowledge and abilities to be
well-informed, critical thinkers, prepared for the civic engagement
essential for a stronger democracy. Below, we have outlined the
barriers and our roadmap for addressing them per our 2024-2028
strategic framework.
BARRIER 1: Many in the education system don't see news literacy
as important, and some still question its value. To change this, we
plan to show that news literacy is just as important as subjects like
English, math and social studies by creating a teaching framework,
developing quality resources, training teachers and supporting
research that proves these tools help students learn.
BARRIER 2: Schools are already overwhelmed and must focus on
what is mandatory. We plan to support state standards that make
news literacy a required subject. Our goal is to partner with states
and create the momentum needed for news literacy instruction to
become essential teaching across the country. We will do this by
advising the groups that already are working on state education
policies to help them develop policy language and standards. We
will also form state partnerships to promote useful resources and
professional development for educators.
BARRIER 3: Educators and district leaders believe integrating
news literacy into their curriculum is too dif昀椀cult. We plan to provide
easy-to-follow models that show how news literacy can be taught
successfully and become “proofs of concept” for other education
leaders. We will do this through our News Literacy District Fellowship
program, which offers a local model that can be replicated in any
district in any state and through partnerships that provide resources
and professional development to other districts and states.
To learn more about our strategic
approach, please click this link or
scan the QR Code.
Continued resources
for the public
While NLP’s mission and vision
will focus on serving K-12
students, many of our free
resources that are designed
for educators also will be
accessible to the broader
public, including:
Get Smart About News,
a weekly email newsletter
with practical news literacy
takeaways. Subscribe here.
Videos on NLP’s YouTube
channel, including videos
from our Checkology lessons,
past webinars, public service
announcements (PSAs),
TikTok shorts and more.
Subscribe here.
All the resources on our
website such as infographics,
tips for navigating mis- and
disinformation around current
events (like elections) and
RumorGuard®, which debunks
disinformation using examples
of viral rumors.
Resources and events during
the annual National News
Literacy Week, which
underscores the vital role of
news literacy in a democracy.
We will continue to maintain
and develop new partnerships,
and our subject matter experts
are available to present or
provide workshops. Contact
Alee Quick, our Director of
Community Engagement,
to learn more.