EH Support Offer 2023-2024 (4) - Flipbook - Page 8
We support all schools in our region with the three aims of the Hub (phonics, early
language and reading for pleasure), through our medium level support offer.
However, we are able to provide more intensive support for our target schools.
Target schools are those meeting two of the below criteria:
lower than average percentage of pupils meeting the expected standard in the PSC
low attainment in the bottom 20% of children
a higher than average proportion of children eligible for pupil premium
Ofsted judgement of Requires Improvement or Inadequate
a high proportion of groups considered hard to reach such as EAL, FSM, travellers etc
schools referred by local partners (e.g. NLEs, LAs).
schools that sit in an education investment area or priority education investment area.
We are also able to work with schools if we are convinced:
of the need of the school;
that the leadership of the school is committed to whole-school change.
Want to know what support
you are eligible for?
Scan the code to find out.