23-03-03 Annual Report [1-12] (2) - Flipbook - Page 2
President & CEO // Nick Pinizzotto
Chief Conservation Officer // Kip Adams
Chief Financial Officer // April Robertson
Chief Communications Officer // Lindsay Thomas Jr.
Chief Development Officer // Lauren Varner
Director of Communications // Brian Grossman
Design Manager // Laura Colquitt
Advertising & Design Coordinator // Cindy Compton
Director of Conservation // Matt Ross
Director of Hunting // Hank Forester
Deer Outreach Specialist // Karlin Gill
Deer Outreach Specialist // Cheyne Matzenbacher
Conservation Coordinator // Ben Westfall
Field to Fork Coordinator // Elizabeth Kligge
Director of Grassroots Support // Kristen Schnepp-Giger
Development Services Coordinator // Heidi Kelly
Senior Accountant // Ker Vang
Customer Service Manager // Connie Popov
Customer Service Representative // Amy Rising
Senior Director of Policy // Torin Miller
Chairman // Rick Dahl (MO)
Vice Chairman // Sam Burgeson (MN)
Treasurer // Chris Dolnack (CT)
Secretary // Ronnie “Cuz” Strickland (MS)
John Annoni (PA)
Bryan Burhans (PA)
Arthur Dick (NC)
Roland Dugas (LA)
Dan Forster (GA)
Whit Fosburgh (MD)
Joe Hamilton (SC)
Leon Hank (MI)
Natalie Krebs (AR)
Josh Kuder (FL)
Greg Simons (TX)
Robert Ziehmer (MO)
Emeritus Members:
Dave Guynn (SC)
Jay McAninch (VA)
Furthering NDA’s Commitment to Deer, Hunters, and Habitat
It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I am leading off the National Deer Association’s first
stand-alone Annual Report with this message. Previously we reported on our activities and
financials in conjunction with our annual Deer Report, but after thoughtful review and discussion it became clear both initiatives were deserving of their own forum. I hope you’ll find what
you’ll read in subsequent pages to be both impressive and inspiring. Sometimes when you’re
involved with the day-to-day work it’s not easy to see the impact an organization is making,
so being part of the production of this report has reminded me that all of us who work for or
support the NDA have a lot to be proud of.
While there were many highlights, here are a few that stood out to me. In 2022, NDA:
Had a significant impact on policy that impacts deer, hunting, and conservation by
sending 60 action alerts, authoring or signing 95 letters of support or opposition,
and encouraging more than 3,000 letters from our constituents.
Addressed landscape-level access and forest health issues through the Public Lands
Initiative by helping to improve 316,218 acres of public land in six states at a total
value of $2,164,206.
Continued to provide some of the best deer and habitat educational content in the
world by publishing more than 100 combined articles and videos across our various
platforms. More than six million people were reached through NDA’s social media
channels alone.
Held 54 Field to Fork events across 19 states to introduce new people to hunting as
part of our R3 initiatives while also graduating 300 new Deer Steward participants
at various levels.
Finished another strong financial year helped by securing a record number of
corporate sponsors and conducting the organization’s first ever Giving Day.
You will get more detail about these and many other accomplishments as you read on, but I
want to emphasize that this report reflects the organization’s hard work at all levels including
our dedicated members, Branches and Branch leaders, individual financial supporters, corporate sponsors and grant funders, state and federal wildlife agency partners, and our Board of
Directors and Advisory Committee members.
On behalf of our board of directors and staff, I would like to thank you for your commitment to
wild deer, hunting, and conservation. Thanks to you, the National Deer Association has never
been healthier financially and in mission delivery. I couldn’t be prouder of our NDA team, or
more appreciative of the support you continue to show for North America’s most iconic and
economically impactful game animal.