NCC Best Practice Guidance 03.2023 - Flipbook - Page 9
leading & promoting the industry
1. The NCC is committed to promoting this
guidance for products and services supplied
of membership. Each member has the right
of appeal.
by holiday parks to ensure that NCC member
holiday parks meet the standards set out as
a core criteria of their membership.
2. A holiday park owner/operator covered
by this guidance is one that offers private
ownership of holiday caravans/holiday lodges
on their parks.
3. The guidance covers the relationship
between park owners/operators and their
holiday caravan/holiday lodge owners, in
respect of holiday caravans/holiday lodges
sold and sited by the holiday parks for
holiday and recreational accommodation
use. It does not apply to holiday makers or
those who hire holiday caravans/holiday
lodges on the park.
4. The guidance has been prepared for the
holiday parks sector and holiday park
members of the NCC.
5. Holiday park owners/operators should have
regard to this guidance, and compliance
is expected for all eligible holiday park
members of the NCC. In the event that
a holiday park member is found to be in
persistent breach of this guidance NCC rules
of membership will apply, and the matter will
be dealt with under the NCC’s Disciplinary
Procedure. Disciplinary action can include a
written warning, suspension or termination