NCC Best Practice Guidance 03.2023 - Flipbook - Page 29
leading & promoting the industry
In the event that the proposed changes to
park rules are deemed unreasonable, you have
the option to write to the park owner/operator
This is what the park owner/operator should
putting your objections clearly. If 33% of holiday
follow to meet the Standard opposite
caravan/holiday lodge owners write to object the
park owner/operator will consider your objections
Changes to the park may include the
carefully. They will also give you plenty of notice
development of new facilities and
of your right to exit the contract, without loss or
amenities or the provision of new services or
serious inconvenience if you don’t agree with
environmental improvements.
the change/s. Examples of how the park should
assess fairness of a term that you may wish to rely
Where the changes involve matters such
on can be found in the CTSI Guidance of Holiday
as, but not limited to, health and safety,
Parks - March 2023.
environmental issues or changes in
regulations and/or legislation imposed
Examples of actions which would amount
upon the park you will also give the holiday
to a breach of this paragraph are where park
caravan/holiday lodge owner at least
28 calendar days’ notice of the changes
a. Introduce a new requirement that you must
where possible.
hire out your holiday caravan/holiday lodge
where this had not been a requirement before.
If the change in arrangements results in
b. Introduce provisions which discriminate
a change to the pitch fees, you will follow
unreasonably between you and any other holiday
the procedure detailed in section 5.2 of this
caravan/holiday lodge owner on the park.
If the proposed changes to park rules are
deemed unreasonable by the holiday
caravan/holiday lodge owner they can put
their objection in writing to you. If 33%
object in writing you should consider their
objections carefully, and send a written
response to those who contact you within
21 days of receipt of their objection.