NCC Best Practice Guidance 03.2023 - Flipbook - Page 27
leading & promoting the industry
This is what the park owner/operator should do
for you the holiday caravan/holiday lodge owner
This is what the park owner/operator
should follow to meet the Standard
Park owners/operators may pass on to you, as
appropriate, any charges which are outside their
control such as rates, water charges and other
You should ensure that all information
charges paid to third parties that relate to your
given to holiday caravan/holiday lodge
ownership of the holiday caravan/holiday lodge:
owners, regarding these charges, is clear
a. Park owners/operators will make clear within
and unambiguous.
the Combined Purchase and Licence
Agreement which services and charges are
You must ensure that you comply with all
included in the pitch fee and which additional
relevant legal requirements regarding the
services and charges are not included.
resale of water and electricity.
b. If park owners/operators receive notice of a
change of charges outside their control, they will
When a holiday caravan/holiday lodge
provide as much advance notice as possible to
is sold midway through a year, the new
owner should only be charged for rates, or
c. Statutory charges such as rates will be in
accordance with relevant legislation.
other utilities, for the period from the date
they became owners.
d. Park owners/operators will re-sell electricity
and mains/natural gas to you at the price they
pay for it.
e. Park owners/operators will not sell LPG gas
(piped and/or bottled) at a price higher than the
recommended retail price as set from time to
time by the gas supplier.
f. Park owners/operators have the right to
charge a reasonable administrative fee to cover
maintenance of the infrastructure and meter
readings in accordance with current regulations.