NCC Best Practice Guidance 03.2023 - Flipbook - Page 25
leading & promoting the industry
This is what the park owner/operator should follow to meet the Standard opposite
Where you as a holiday park operator and a
member of the NCC:
Buy a park where it is agreed that the
responsibilities and obligations of the
original park owner are transferred to
a. Buy a park where the holiday caravan/
you as the new park owner, you will take
lodge owners are without the benefit
on the benefits and obligations of the
of a Combined Purchase and Licence
existing licence agreements. This means
Agreement, you will offer all holiday
that you can only make changes that
caravan/holiday lodge owners the
the existing agreement will allow you to
opportunity to enter into an Agreement
make while the agreements remain in
in writing of not less than the unexpired
force. You cannot make changes that the
period from the date the holiday caravan/
existing agreement does not permit, and
holiday lodge was first purchased. In such
you cannot impose a new agreement on
instances all holiday caravan/holiday lodge
an existing holiday caravan/holiday lodge
owners without the benefit of a written
agreement will be treated in line with all
the provisions of this guidance.
At the end of the initial period of
occupancy, the agreement period is
entirely a matter for negotiation and
agreement between you and the holiday
caravan/holiday lodge owner.
During the agreement period you will not
remove the holiday caravan/holiday lodge
for the purposes of creating a sale or solely
on account of its age.