NCC Best Practice Guidance 03.2023 - Flipbook - Page 19
leading & promoting the industry
– continued
This is what the park owner/operator
should do for you the holiday
This is what the park owner/operator should follow to
caravan/holiday lodge owner
meet the Standard opposite
The holiday caravan/holiday lodge
You should inform holiday caravan/holiday lodge
is for holiday and recreational use
owners what proof/evidence of permanent residential
only and you must provide the park
address you require.
owner/operator with a permanent
residential address where you live
Examples of evidence of permanent residential address
when you are not using your holiday
can be obtained from HMRC and may include a council
caravan/holiday lodge for a holiday or
tax invoice in the holiday caravan/holiday lodge owner’s
recreational break.
name, or a current utility bill in the name of the holiday
caravan/holiday lodge owner. You may also stipulate
Park owners/operators should
other evidence - see Appendix 1. Equivalent proof will
carry out a permanent residential
be required for holiday caravan/holiday lodge owners
address check at the point of sale
with a permanent residence outside of the UK.
and thereafter, as a minimum,
annually (See Appendices 1 & 2). The
It is the responsibility of the park owner/operator to
park owner/operator will specify
ensure that a holiday caravan/holiday lodge owner
what evidence they require and any
or occupier is not using the holiday caravan/holiday
additional information necessary to
lodge as the main or permanent residence. Regular
satisfy their checks.
monitoring and visible checks should be carried out
and, where residential misuse is found, appropriate and
proportionate steps taken to manage the issue over a
period of time. You should keep records of the checks
that you undertake and keep copies of the evidence
You should carry out an annual audit check to
determine that all holiday caravan/holiday lodge
owners have a current permanent residential address (See Appendices 1 & 2).