ChecklistEight weeksPack non-essential itemsResearch your new area (transferschools and order new uniform)Keep all important documentsSix weeksDecide on a local removal companyClear out any unwanted itemsKeep packingFour weeksIt will be worth packing a night bag each tohelp everyone settle in, which means youwon’t have to rummage through everything to昀椀nd your toothbrush!in, and start ordering any new furnishingsfor your new property. Start packing awaymore items, that being, out of seasonclothes, books, DVDs and even bulkyitems, like TVs that aren’t used often.Two weeks – Confirm all detailsConfirm your move with your removalcompany or van hire, estate agentsand schools. If possible, try to organisesomeone to look after your pets andchildren for the day of your move, asthis can also be a stressful time for themtoo. If your removal company doesn’tdisassemble any furniture or sort out theun-plumbing for the washing machine,then now would be the ideal time toorganise these. Remember to also cancelany local services you receive: this couldbe window cleaners, gardeners andnewspaper deliveries. You should nowalso think about re-registering to voteand getting your post re-directed afteryour moving date. Continue packing awaymore furnishings, kitchen appliances andcrockery that you won’t be using for thenext couple of weeks.24 hours – Final check andwalk roundYou now have only 24 hours before youmove, so double check that everything ispacked away and ready for transit. It willbe worth packing a night bag each to helpeveryone settle in, which means you won’thave to rummage through everything tofind your toothbrush! You may want tocreate an inventory of your boxes andfurniture to help you keep track of whatyou have and to help you ensure it doesn’tgo missing.Moving dayToday is the day! You need to be readyfor when your removal company comes.Ensure that you let them know if thereare any fragile boxes that need extra carewhen handling. If you’re moving yourself,then pack up your car or van and workout how many trips it may take. Beforeyou leave, also take note of your finalmeter readings and send these off to yourprovider. Don’t forget to leave your keysfor the new owners!You have arrived at yournew home!Give your removal company instructionsof which boxes go in which rooms andmake sure you are happy with everythingthat has arrived. Ensure you check forany damage before the movers leave.Read your new utility meters and sendyour readings off to your supplier. Takingphotos of them will also ensure you havethe correct reading if you need them againin the future. Unpack your essentials suchas bed linen and clean towels. Don’t worryabout the rest, it isn’t going anywhere!Order a takeaway, have a cup of tea andenjoy your first night with your family.Right, so now you’re all moved in, it’s timeto settle down, unpack and enjoy your newplace. Remember, planning is essential toensure your move runs stress media with its address and personal message!Notify utility companiesStart preparation for your new houseKeep packingTwo weeksFinalise all detailsOrganise pet and child careCancel local servicesKeep packing24 hoursCheck every room and ensureeverything is packedPack a night bag so everything isto handCollect your new keysMake sure your phone is fully chargedso you can get in touch with theestate agents or removal companyMoving inPrepare for the arrival of the removalcompany and give them directions/your contact detailsEnsure everything is ready to moveRecord meter readingsOn arrivalGive removal company instructionsof what goes whereCheck for any damage beforethey leaveRead your new utility meters andsend them off to your supplierCheck if the previous owners haveleft anything behindUnpack essentialsOrder a takeaway and sit backand relax!
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