TOP PICKS FOR TVAND FILM IN MARCHTHE ALTO KNIGHTS (FILM)DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN (TV)Originally titled Wise Guys, The AltoKnights is an upcoming biographicalcrime thriller directed by BarryLevinson. The film features Robert DeNiro in dual roles as Frank Costello andVito Genovese, two influential ItalianAmerican crime bosses in 20th-centuryNew York. The story explores theirintricate relationship, tracing their riseto power, the rivalry that developedbetween them, and the betrayal thatultimately reshaped the Mafia. The AltoKnights is set to be released on March21st 2025, offering a compelling lookinto the world of organised crime.Daredevil: Born Again is a forthcomingMarvel Studios series that picks up thestory of Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox), ablind lawyer with extraordinary senseswho seeks justice through his busy lawpractice. His rival, Wilson Fisk (VincentD’Onofrio), is advancing his ownpolitical ambitions in New York. As thetwo men’s pasts resurface, they are seton a collision course. Daredevil: BornAgain will premiere on Disney+ on 4thMarch 2025, with the first two episodesavailable at launch and the remainingseven following on a weekly basis.Three fun facts about The AltoKnights:De Niro’s Dual Role: Robert De Nirotakes on both leading roles,demonstrating his remarkableversatility and depth as an actor.Written by Nicholas Pileggi: Thescreenplay is written by NicholasPileggi, famous for his work onGoodfellas, ensuring a gripping andtrue-to-life story.Strong Supporting Cast: The filmboasts a strong supporting cast,including Debra Messing, CosmoJarvis, and Kathrine Narducci,enriching the narrative.Three fun facts about Daredevil: BornAgain:Dual Performances: Charlie Cox returnsas Matt Murdock/Daredevil, andVincent D’Onofrio reprises his role asWilson Fisk/Kingpin, building on theirestablished chemistry from theoriginal Netflix series.Returning Cast: The series brings backfamiliar faces, including Deborah AnnWoll as Karen Page and Elden Hensonas Foggy Nelson, enriching thestoryline with their continuedinvolvement.New Antagonist: Jon Bernthal joins thecast as Frank Castle/The Punisher,adding a fresh and exciting element tothe series.LIFESTYLE MAGAZINE11
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