C H O O S E YO U R T O U R :Research & DiscoveryWith stunning newresearch buildingsopening around campusand a strategic locationthat fosters partnershipswith government andindustry, the Universityof Maryland is uniquelypositioned for researchthat addresses the grandchallenges of our time.Maryland researchers take on1 Brendan IribeCenter for ComputerScience and Engineering1Opened in 2019, this dramaticpresence on Baltimore Avenueunites our top-ranked computerscience department with theacclaimed Institute for AdvancedComputer Studies, creating ahub for technology in UMD’sDiscovery District.23vital issues like clean energy, theunparalleled promise of quantumtechnology and the ethical use ofartificial intelligence in dozens ofresearch centers and institutes.These include the Brain and BehaviorInstitute, the Maryland EnergyInnovation Institute, the ArtificialIntelligence InterdisciplinaryInstitute at Maryland (AIM) and the4Joint Quantum Institute, a globallyrenowned partnership with theNational Institute of Standards andTechnology. Other federal partnershipswith NOAA, NASA and more propelUMD’s expertise worldwide.Find more at research.umd.edu.52 E.A. FernandezIDEA Factory3 MakerBotInnovation Center4 Campus FarmStudents and researchers comeThis facility in the Technologyprovides hands-on training totogether in this 2022 building toAdvancement Program Buildingstudents in the animal sciences,5 Collaboratorypush the limits of innovation andhas dozens of MakerBot 3-Dincludes sheep, cattle, horses andLocated in the Parren J. Mitchellentrepreneurship. It boasts anprinters, more than tripling thepoultry, and harkens back to theArt-Sociology Building, the Michelleunderground quantum lab, spacesnumber in the A. James Clarkuniversity’s founding in 1856 asSmith Collaboratory for Visualto test advanced robots and theSchool of Engineering and puttingthe Maryland Agricultural College.Culture features an IMAX-like screenxFoundry@UMD, which hosts athe future of manufacturing inand other technology to study art andnew XPRIZE-inspired competitionreach of all Maryland students.architecture in novel ways.This small working farm, whichawarding up to $2 million forstudent solutions to grandchallenges.202 5 VISITO R G U I D E43
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