Legal and Illegal Interview QuestionsIllegalQuestionsAgeLegalQuestionsQuestions about an applicant’s age, dateof birth or date of high school graduationor requests of documentation related toage are illegal.National Origin/ Are you a US Citizen?*CitizenshipWhere are your parents from?An employer may ask if the applicant meets theminimum age set by the law.Are you authorized to work in the United States?What is your native “tongue”?RaceAll questions related to an individual’srace are illegal.There are no legal questions related to race.ReligionQuestions relating to an applicant’s religious beliefs or denomination or indicatereligious customs or holiday observancesare illegal.After an individual is hired, an employer may askabout religious accommodations.Marital/Family StatusAre you married?Who do you live with?Do you plan to have a family?What are your childcare arrangements?Would you be willing to relocate if necessary?Will you be willing and able to work overtime ifnecessary?PersonalHow tall are you?How much do you weigh?Questions about your personal characteristics needto be specifically related to the ability to performthe job.Arrest RecordHave you ever been arrested?During the interview an employer can ask aboutconvictions that are related to the job. (Pleasenote that “ban the box” laws only apply during thewritten application process.)DisabilitiesDo you have any disabilities?Please complete the medical history.Are you able to perform the essential functions ofthe job?Can you demonstrate how you would perform thefollowing job related functions?MilitaryIf you were in the military, were youhonorably discharged?In what branch of the Armed Forces did you serve?What type of training or education did you receivein the military?* There are specific instance in which a question about citizenship is legal. These typically involve security clearances as in thecase of government
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