InterviewingGeneral Questions• Which class did you find most challenging/enjoyable?• Do you feel your GPA adequately represents yourabilities?• How would you describe yourself in one word?• Where do you see yourself in 5 years?• What is the last thing you taught yourself?• How will you add value to our organization?• Why are you interested in this field/ourorganization?• What do you know about our organization thatisn’t on our website?• Who are our key competitors?• What do you think it takes to be a good leader?• What didn’t you get a chance to include on yourresume?• How long are you willing to fail at this job beforeyou succeed?Behavioral QuestionsBehavioral questions are designed to help theinterviewer get a clear understanding of how youhandle different situations. Unlike traditional questionsthat can focus on hypothetical situations, behavioralquestions rely solely on your past experiences. Thepremise is that past behavior can be used to predictfuture behavior.“Tell me about a time when you...”• Dealt with a difficult team member or customer• Failed to meet a deadline• Demonstrated leadership skills• Received negative feedback• Overcame an obstacle• Had to have an uncomfortable conversation with aco-worker• Went above and beyond what was expected ofyou• Persuaded someone to change their mind• Your opinion differed from the group39Responding to Challenging QuestionsTell Me About YourselfThis is often the first question you will be asked andcan often be the most difficult to answer. It is not aninvitation to share your life story (e.g. age, birthplace,family information, etc.) but should focus on whereyou’ve been and where you’re going regarding youreducation and career goals.Example: “I will be graduating this May with a degreein Anthropology. For the last two summers, I haveserved as an intern with a local non-profit organization teaching reading skills to children in communitiesacross the East Bay in California. I have also been veryactive in my sorority, serving as both the marketingchair and vice-president. My goal now is to join anon-profit organization such as XYZ that will allowme to continue to develop my leadership skills whileproviding support to underprivileged children.”What Are Your Salary Expectations?You should do your homework and know what atypical starting salary is for the job to which you areapplying. Cal has salary information for internshipsand entry-level jobs on our website.Rather than a fixed number, give a salary range andjustify it by mentioning the research you have done.Example: “Based on the research I have done and thenature of the position, I am targeting a starting salaryin the $60,000-$70,000 range.”
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