Types of Interviews & QuestionsCase InterviewsCase interviews focus on the way you think and howyou go about addressing complex issues and problems. Typically, you will be presented with a challenging scenario (or case) with varying backgroundor details.Cases may come in the form of a brainteaser, marketsizing scenario, financial analysis, or management/strategy issue. Interviewers want to see your ability tobe analytical, logical, quantitative, and creative.Your listening skills, insight, communication style, andpersuasive skills are key to a successful case interview.There are many strategies that go into attacking acase interview question, and the best way to prepareis to practice.Many of the global consulting firms have extremelyhelpful, interactive practice case interviews on theirwebsites.Interviews with a MealThe point of the meal interview is for you and the employerto get to know each other, and for him/her/them to seehow you conduct yourself in a social setting. Employers willbe assessing your conversational and interpersonal skills todetermine how well you would fit in with the organization.• Demeanor, language, and behavior should all be 100%professional.• The meal you order should be in the mid-price range;not the most or least expensive item. You may want toask the interviewer what he/she/they recommend onthe menu to get a gauge.• Avoid items that are challenging or messy to eat, such aspasta or dishes with a lot of cheese.• Even if the employer is drinking alcohol, you should stillrefrain.• If the service is slow or the food is not exactly how youordered it, avoid complaining or making an issue of it.• It is customary for the employer to pay for the meal.Make sure you show your appreciation.Types of QuestionsThese types of questions help the employer get abetter sense of who you are. Similar to the bullets onyour resume/CV that describe your experiences indetail, you need to back up your interview answerswith specific, tangible examples.• Tell me about yourself.• Why did you choose your field of study?• What are your greatest strengths and areas ofchallenge?• What has been your greatest accomplishment/set back?38
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