University of California Berkeley Career Guide - Flipbook - Page 30
References & Business Cards
When submitting job applications be prepared to provide references who can attest to your work. Ask professionals
who know you well and can provide a strong, positive reference. Consider asking current or former employers, faculty
members (especially for graduate school admissions), and advisors to student organizations.
A reference list typically consists of three people and includes:
5. Phone Number
1. Name
2. Title
6. Email Address
3. Organization
7. How you know the individual and for how long
4. Address
Use the space below to start brainstorming whom you would include in your reference list
In the digital era, the use of digital business cards is on the rise to share all your contact details in one convenient view.
Digital business cards are easy to share and perfect for gathering all your accounts and contact details in a single view.
Digital business cards or contact information can be utilized in Apple Wallet, Google Wallet and there are several apps
available to create your own digital card including:
• HiHello
• Canva
• Mobilo
Career Tip:
Before you list someone as a reference be sure to ask their permission.
Make them aware of your career goals and application so they can
speak to the skills the employer seeks. Use the Career Readiness
Competencies on page 6 as a guide on skills sought by all employers.