Resume ChecklistResume Checklist• Is your name, phone number and email at the top of the page? Physical address is optional.• Is the resume pleasing to the eye with an easy-to-read font size and typeface, and an easy-to-follow layout? Canan employer learn the basics about you with a 10-second glance at it?• Did you use bullets, bold, all capitals, and/or underlining to highlight the parts you want to emphasize (e.g., jobtitles)?• Did you tailor your resume for the position by including key skills and experiences the employer wants?• Is information listed in order of importance and relevance to the requirements listed in the job description?• Does the resume avoid generalities and provide specific information about context, actions taken, and results?• Do most phrases begin with action verbs such as “developed,” “initiated,” etc.?• Have you been accurate and truthful about your accomplishments rather than being too modest orexaggerating?• Did you check the spelling of every word and make sure the grammar and punctuation are correct?• If you know your resume will be scanned, did you omit columns, underlining, and bullets?• Have you had a Career Educator or Peer Advisor critique your resume?• If you were the employer, would you call you for an interview?Do’s & Don’tsDo:• Draft a clear and well-organizeddocument.• Bachelor’s candidate resumes shouldbe no more than two pages of relevantinformation.• CVs should be no more than 4 pages inlength.• Check the spelling of every word andensure there are no errors. Customize thecontent for the organization or opportunity.• Describe duties and accomplishments inbullets. Quantify results when possible.Keep format consistent throughoutdocument.Don’t• Include a picture or personal informationsuch as weight, height, marital status, SSN,age, race, and religion.• Use personal pronouns such as I, me, or my.• Exaggerate your experiences.• Start bullet points with “Responsible for” or“Duties included.”• State current or previous salaries unlessexplicitly instructed to do so.Proofreading• Any typo or grammatical mistake on your resume or CV can indicate that you are not detail oriented.• Do not rely on spell check to catch misspelled words. You should have several reliable people proofread yourdocument before you send it out.26
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