Social Media@ThreadsPersonal Portfolios/BlogsThis microblogging feature of Instagram is a great wayto interact with people of similar professional interestsfrom across the globe. It is also increasingly becominga platform for organizations to post opportunitiesthey have available.There are a variety of other tools that you can useto develop your personal brand including blogs likeWordPress, Blogger, Weebly, Wix, Joomla and Medium toname a few. Sharing sites such as, ISSUU,and LinkedIn’s professional portfolio application. Considershowcasing samples of your work to demonstrate yourcapabilities. You can even incorporate this tool into aTwitter account or a LinkedIn profile.How to engage on Threads:• Post your own content. Pose questions orcomment on something interesting going on inyour field. This can demonstrate your knowledgeand interest.• Share about others’ posts. Repost or comment onarticles written about your field or reply to others’comments. This shows you are engaged in thefield beyond the classroom.• Follow organizations. Stay up to date on currentevents and find career opportunities. Increaseyour effectiveness by using a hashtag (e.g. #jobsor #recruiting) to “follow” organizations or peopleof interest.LinkedInThis professional networking site has grown to over 500million registered members and provides you the opportunity to establish a professional online identity, participatein conversations on relevant topics, and make connectionswith professionals in your industry or career path. To get themost out of this tool, write articles, follow employers, andconnect with people of interest to include alumni. You caneven use LinkedIn to search and apply for jobs.5 Tips To Get the Most Out of Using LinkedIn1. Appropriate Profile Picture: Users with a profile picture are 14 times more likely to be viewed than users without.However, make sure that the picture is up-to-date and preferably in a working environment. A professional headand-shoulders picture is ideal. Stop by our office and use our Professional Photo Booth.2. Develop Your Headline (Summary): Profiles with a summary are also more likely to get seen by users. Use thisspace as a brief introduction to yourself and to summarize your experience and achievements. This is also a goodplace to use keywords you want to be associated with. This will make your profile more prominent in search engineresults.3. Complete Your Profile: Treat LinkedIn like your expanded resume. Include specific details of projects you haveworked, modules you have completed and targets you have reached. You can also publish videos, documents,websites and other media. This will liven up your profile and show off your skills.4. Build Professional Connections: LinkedIn is for professional networking and could help you find your nextopportunity. Connect with other alumni, interest groups and colleagues. All of these will make up your professionalnetwork.5. Publish Your Knowledge: Once your profile is complete you can showcase your knowledge and your professionalskills. LinkedIn allows you to publish posts, blogs and other content.16
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