Your Personal BrandSocial Media’s purpose is to:Create Content1. Gain An Audience2. Create Content3. Make ConnectionsFocusing on relevant content and trends will contributeto both your social media presence and professionalgrowth. Use social media to engage in conversationsrelevant to your industry interest and expand yourknowledge. Ask yourself:“Have I linked my blog or portfolio to showcasemy skills?”“Am I engaging in conversations or sharing contentrelated to my industry on social media?”What message are you sending toemployers with your onlineactivity?Gain An AudienceMake ConnectionsYour involvement on social media can contribute toyour online presence, so keep it clean. Ask yourself:“Who is on the other end of my messages?”“Is this how I want to present myself to the world?”Once you have created your professional profile, contactold and new connections. Your goal each day shouldbe to inspire others to connect with you and leveragethose connections with colleagues, friends, and family.Networking could lead you to your next internship or job.Google YourselfWhat I Discovered:What I Didn’t Like:What I Liked:Take
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