Building Your NetworkWhat Does it Mean to Network?Where Do I Network?Networking refers to the process of connecting withpeople and building relationships. It’s about meetingnew people, sharing information, and learning aboutpotential opportunities and various career fields.Everywhere!Think about all of the places you go to interact withpeople:Networking Can Lead To OpportunitiesEmployers fill the majority of job openings throughthe unadvertised, or hidden, job market – and yournetwork is essential to finding these opportunities.The contacts you make, if cultivated and used wisely,can lead to future employment.••••••Career Fairs, Panels, Networking NightsSocial Networking Sites/LinkedInClasses/Conferences/SeminarsWork/Volunteer Meetings/Social GatheringsProfessional AssociationsEvery interaction can create the opportunity toengage with a variety of people.My BerkeleyMy Berkeley is an online portal designed to enhancealumni engagement and streamline relationshipsacross Berkeley’s alumni network, students, andcampus organizations.Where Do I Begin?Many students are concerned because they erroneously believe that in order to network they needto know people in positions of power who canultimately offer them a job. The fact is that everyonehas a network; it’s just a matter of thinking broadlyand creatively about who is in it. There is a goodchance that either someone you know (or someonethey know) works in a field that interests you. Startwith making a list that includes:••••••••••It’s easy for students and alumni to tap into the Calcommunity by sending messages and requestingonline or in-person meetings based on their professional interests and goals.Join the community at, classmates and peersFamilyNeighborsPresent or former teachersPresent or former employers/co-workersMembers of organizations to which you belongProfessional acquaintancesCounselorsAlumniReligious & Spiritual
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