RTG1 - Flipbook - Page 4
29 Sept to 13 Oct 2024
Day 1
Aigen im Ennstal to Brdo (321 km)
30 September 2024
Text & photos: gerardbrown.co.uk
Design: K-Design
Austria to Athens is a Challenge event and, by the
end of today, the crews were left in no doubt about
what they could expect for the next two weeks.
from the flag the rally was thrown into a hectic
day with three Regularities, two Tests, and three
border crossings; all played out over some of the
finest roads this part of the world has to offer.
It was a chilly start as the cars queued at the arch beneath
the Dachstein Massif, where, after a long and distinguished
medical career, Dr John llewellyn was deemed sufficiently
qualified to wave the flagge Österreichs and send the crews
down onto the valley road. Dick appleton and chris Mills
in the 48hr car had already delivered their first report, and
found the road to the first Regularity was blocked by snow.
a quick re-route was devised and some excellent tarmac
whisked the cars straight to the Time control at Murau.
This was a welcome throwback to the Carrera Bavaria and
we found the austrians still know how to bake a cake and
serve fine coffee.
Despite the minor meteorological hiccup the day was
blessed with full sun and blue skies and, once this early reroute had been dealt with and the last of the cake had been
polished off, the real business of the rally began. a Route
check on the minor roads in the aurelingsee national Park
gave the crews their first taste of gravel before delivering
us to the first Regularity at Prekowa.
Dr John Llewellyn flags away car 1, Graham and Marina Goodwin in
their 1929 Bentley 4½ Le Mans
David Long and Paul Bareham, 1934 Talbot AV105