MKCF - Vital Signs Digital brochure FINAL - Flipbook - Page 15
and Poverty
There is no standard de昀椀nition of
poverty, but it is widely accepted that:
Poverty is when you are unable to
a昀昀ord the minimum needs that are
deemed reasonable by the standards
of the society in which you live.
This includes providing shelter, warmth,
food, and clothing as well as being able to
participate in everyday social activities.
Joseph Rowntree Foundation
Levels of poverty continue to rise, and many
households have been unable to recover
since COVID-19, as fuel, housing and food
costs have continued to increase, causing
a cost-of-living crisis.
This is disproportionately a昀昀ecting
Ethnically Diverse households, with
more than half likely to experience
fuel poverty compared with
just under a third of those
of white households.
Households likely to be
experiencing the highest
levels of poverty are those
with serious long-term mental
or physical health problems,
lone parent households, those
with problem debts, and those
in low paid and insecure work,
who often come from ethnically
diverse communities.
In Milton Keynes, there are
many households grappling
with increased vulnerability
to poverty.