Jumpline magazine OCT 2022-pages - Flipbook - Page 24
Gabe Nemeth, Ret.
Behavioral Health and Wellness
in the Fire Service
Traditionally, medical and physical fitness have been
prioritized above emotional or behavioral fitness in the Fire
Service. However, it is clear from the aftermath of September
11th , the numerous natural disasters in recent years and the
increase in mass shooting incidents, that these priorities are
changing. With each passing year, research shows that fire
personnel who balance physical, behavioral, and emotional
fitness have the best outcomes, whether it is in their career,
their family well-being, or adjustment to retirement.
There is growing concern about behavioral health issues
and its significant impact on wellness. The stresses faced
by fire service personnel throughout their careers; incidents
involving children, violence, inherent dangers of firefighting,
and other potentially traumatic events can have a cumulative
impact on the individual’s mental health and well-being.
Our Local in partnerships with the IAFF continues to develop
resources that inform and educate our members on behavioral
Other available resources:
First Responders Resiliency Foundation
Hotline: 786-551-4911
The BrotHERhood Initiative - Need help or know someone
that does? E-mail brotherhood@local1403.org
The IAFF Behavioral Health Program webpage
The IAFF Center of Excellence Resource page
The IAFF YouTube Channel includes a variety of video
segments addressing PTSD and other behavioral health
problems in the fire service. Search keyword PTSD on the
channel homepage - www.youtube.com/IAFFTV
October 2022 | JUMPLINE Magazine