Jumpline magazine JUNE 2023 pages - Flipbook - Page 41
National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week
NPSTW was a fun time and a morale booster. Despite everything
else, it brought us all together. I, for one, look forward to it, especially the competitions. We are an incredibly competitive bunch. Each
shift, days, evenings, and nights, wants their personnel on duty to
participate, and if they don’t, they will get whispered about. Yes, the
heat is felt. It’s all in good, spirited fun. Every day of NPSTW week
is a new adventure. It’s cathartic knowing you’re being celebrated. More importantly, the things that make a significant difference
sometimes are quite simple in nature. Our work environment was
inspiring with all of the decorations. The pictures posted this year
had included a ‘nostalgia wall’ with images of dispatchers, both current and retired. Then there was the red carpet that led to the alarm
office door. What captured my attention and made me smile was the
“MDFR DISPATCHERS ARE THE GOAT” lawn sign which greeted
us and all personnel as we pulled into the parking lot. We felt love
and the love was in the details.
This year’s NPSTW felt different. A lot of thought went into making
sure we received what we deserved. Gratitude hovered over us. I
felt inspired and a little empowered. At some point you must take
action to ensure that your personnel are feeling appreciated and for
that, we thank you. There is no open road ahead for dispatchers
and most times we feel as though we are parked on a dead-end
street, but do you know what? During NPSTW we forget where we
are, and we see the bigger picture.
Until next year…
June 2023 | JUMPLINE Magazine