Jumpline Magazine July 2024 - Flipbook - Page 21
Carson Williams, MDFR
MDFR RIT Group Competition Team
In the early months of 2022 the Metro-Dade Rapid Intervention Team was formed, led by Capt. Ricardo Stephens, Lt. Carson Williams, Fireoghters Kristian Menendez, Randy Santana,
and Carlos Alvarez. Our mission was 3 To EXCEL in Rapid
Intervention Techniques (RIT).
to cultivate expertise and impart knowledge to others. As our
team ventured forth, the Metro-Dade Rapid Intervention Team
epitomized collaboration and excellence, ready to confront any
trials and secure in the knowledge that our legacy would endure.
For two years, we honed in on our skills and
forged an unbreakable bond, driven by our
mission. Then, in May 2024, we expanded to thirteen mem-
The Rapid Intervention Team took 3rd place, in an 18-team
oeld, at the 2024 Palm Beach Invitational Competition. We are
still chasing orst place!
bers, fueled by new talent and eager to embrace the challenge.
Our team9s ambition extended beyond accolades; we aimed
Any questions or curiosity about what we
do& please reach out!
Kristian Menendez, Carson Williams,
Rick Stephens, Randy Santana, Carlos Alvarez.
Erik Vidal, Rick Stephens, Ryan Hartnett,
Carlos Alvarez, Ethan Martinez, Randy Santana,
Carson Williams, Kristian Menendez, Luis Castro,
Bryan Rodriguez, Reice Rahman,
and Bobby Garcia.
Where the work gets put in. With obstacles like
cononed space, wires, wall breaching, up and
overs, narrow studs, and Denver drill, all while
blacked out.
July 2024 | JUMPLINE Magazine