Jumpline magazine February 2025 - Flipbook - Page 7
Yumi Candelaria
Executive Coordinator
Jumpline Magazine Subscriptions
To get a glossy copy of the
magazine mailed to you, please
follow the directions here and
How it works: Subscribe for a quarterly mailing of the magazine
for $44. Currently that cost represents our estimate of the cost for
production and mailing. If needed, we will make alterations for the 2025
The digital version will always be free.
Subscribe in the following ways:
1. Mail a check to the Union Hall. Make checks payable to L-1403.
On the check you MUST write in the subject line “Jumpline”. On the
check you MUST write the mailing address desired for shipping.
2. Credit Card payment. Call the Union Hall at 305-593-6100 and
ask one of the lovely front of昀椀ce ladies to subscribe to Jumpline
Magazine. Please note there is a credit card fee, in addition to the
price of the magazine subscription.
3. Good old fashion walk-in payment. You can visit us at the
front of昀椀ce of the Union Hall to either leave a check, pay by credit
card or even cash. Just make sure to provide your name and
address to be added to the Jumpline subscription list.
There is no prorating, but any overage to subscriptions purchased midyear will be contributed to Fire昀椀ghter Charities. Rest assured; it is a
good cause. It is our intent that Jumpline subscriptions purchased by
our members only covers our costs.
In the future our hope is to have a seamless way to subscribe, possibly
by using shopMDFR.com, or during open enrollment. But those
options are not in play yet. Future editions will provide more insight to
subscription options if they change. For now, the instructions above will
guarantee you receive a mailed copy throughout the year.
Get yourself a copy!
The fee for subscriptions is just to cover the production, printing, and mailing
of our great magazine. All admin, editing, and design is by volunteer hours only.
To our 3,000+ members, we appreciate your understanding.
This Issue’s
Front and Back
Front Cover:
Honor Flight and Members Giving Back
Back Cover:
90th Anniversary of MDFR
March 2025 | JUMPLINE Magazine