Jumpline magazine February 2025 - Flipbook - Page 26
Honor Flight South Fla- Mission 333
Article By: Jeff Hackman
Article by: Robert Ortega
Giving back is something we should all engage in at some
level. For some it may be coaching your kids’ little league team,
or getting involved in the PTSA at school. It could be feeding
the homeless at a shelter or donating to a charity close to your
heart. Whatever you may choose, it’s usually something meaningful to you. Something personal.
The Honor Flight Network began in May 2005 when six small
planes 昀氀own by volunteer pilots took a dozen veterans to their
respective war memorials in Washington D.C. Randy Brown
turned me on to the idea of 昀氀ying on an Honor Flight mission
and one trip was all it took. I was HOOKED!!! I have taken two
World War II vets who, like me, served in the Marine Corps.
One year I went as a medic and my vet was from the Cold War
era. Every experience is going to be different and SPECIAL . If
you love history, the history book will speak to you on an Honor Flight mission. We visited Arlington, the Iwo Jima Memorial,
Korean Memorial, and the Vietnam Wall. It is a hell of an experience for you and for the veteran.
Recently I participated in an Honor Flight mission. While
in D.C., our group of veterans, along with their guardians toured
the Iwo Jima, World War II, Vietnam, and Korean Veteran Memorials. There were several special surprises throughout the
day, making the trip very touching for both the veterans and
guardians alike. The day was 昀椀lled with expressions of gratitude and appreciation that many of the veterans never received when they returned home from serving overseas.
My grandfather served in World War II and my father served
in Vietnam. Many of my classmates, as well as brothers and
sisters in the department, have proudly served. My love for our
country is undeniable. When the request for volunteers was
announced, I immediately put my name in, and I was fortunate
enough to have been chosen.
Yes, it was personal. I was proud to be able to give back to
those who were willing to give it all to us! I heard from other
volunteers that have participated in an Honor Flight mission in
the past that it was a very emotional day. This was reinforced
during the training session prior to the day of our 昀氀ight. A day
of recollection and appreciation for these veterans. A day 昀椀lled
with pride, respect, and passion for our country and those who
have served to protect it. They were so right!
My veteran’s name was Tom Flum. He was the Police Chief
for the City of North Miami and is an avid tennis player. Tom still
resides in North Miami.
If Honor Flight sounds like something you would be interested
in, then follow them on Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube. They
will have more of these trips in the future. The 昀氀ights take place
in the months of May and November. Don’t forget to donate to
昀椀re昀椀ghter charities, because they are the ones who sponsor
these trips for our members to ENJOY!!!
Thank you Robert Ortega E12B ( YGIG/DTRT )
The opportunity to stand proud with my veteran while touring
the memorials throughout Washington D.C. was one of the best
experiences of my life! It reinforced my love and more importantly their love for our country. The pride and emotion I witnessed from a front row seat was remarkable. Spending one
day giving back to a deserving veteran is an experience I would
highly recommend.
Get involved in something that is meaningful for you.
March 2025 | JUMPLINE Magazine