Jumpline magazine February 2025 - Flipbook - Page 15
Gabe Nemeth, Ret.
The BrotHERhood Initiative
The BrotHerhood Initiative’s purpose is to assist brothers
and sisters of MDFR with needs that arise due to circumstances beyond their control. Injuries, PTSD, substance
abuse and personal con昀氀icts are good examples of what a
member may be experiencing.
The BrotHerhood Initiative functions under Local 1403
as a committee with the direction of helping our members.
During tough times, be it personal or professional, we provide emotional and tangible support and help anticipate and
address potential dif昀椀culties.
Our members who are suffering shouldn’t be expected to
face their journey alone. They need support from others.
The most recognized method of mitigating these con昀氀icts is
with positive social support from family, friends, co-workers,
the community, and culture.
Simply stated, to prevent serious internal con昀氀icts from becoming a crisis, it is critical to have a network of people who
can extend social support.
What we do to accomplish this:
Approach a Brother or Sister in need.
Establish trust and con昀椀dentiality (we will not waiver
when it comes to con昀椀dentiality).
Provide support.
Determine whether a crisis exists or is developing.
Refer the Brother or Sister to available resources.
Individuals in need 昀椀nd themselves in a cold, dark room with
only one door out.
Our job is to help that Brother or Sister explore and 昀椀nd as
many other doors as possible.
If you need help or know someone that does,
please reach out to the BrotHERhood Initiative
If you would like to be part of
The BrotHerhood Initiative,
send us an email or contact a committee member.
We continuously update our list of volunteers.
Eddy Trapero
getinthere20@hotmail.com – (786) 525-4266
Adam Parks
atparks831@gmail.com – (786) 299-2374
Fred DeFrias
defrias09@yahoo.com – (305) 319-0607
Gil Velasquez
sim131@yahoo.com – (305) 733-6445
Elio Perez
elio.perez002@gmail.com – (305) 762-2629
Tim Porter
timp718@yahoo.com – (305) 606-0818
Gabe Nemeth
MDFRnemeth@gmail.com – (305) 281-1184
Alex Trinchet
alex.trinchet@miamidade.gov - (305) 322-7088
March 2025 | JUMPLINE Magazine