Messiah Lifeways 2023-2024 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 9
Dining at Messiah Lifeways is an important
part of a positive resident experience
across the continuum of care, and it also
plays a key role in healthy aging and
community engagement.
Messiah Lifeways’ magazine was
rebranded and relaunched in fall 2023
with a revitalized goal of challenging
the status quo related to aging. Serving
as a marketing tool, the magazine is
distributed to a purchase list of older
adults identi昀椀ed as potential prospects
for Messiah Lifeways’ services.
In August 2023, Messiah Lifeways
announced a new partnership with
Culinesse, LLC, a boutique hospitality
brand, to enhance its culinary experience
for all residents. This decision re昀氀ects
Messiah Lifeways’ commitment to
delivering innovative dining services that
align with senior living trends and its
mission of serving older adults with
Christ-like love.
Culinesse, based in Bethlehem, PA,
specializes in personalized hospitality
experiences, bringing fresh ideas and
a community-centered approach to
retirement living. Rooted in a passion for
connecting people through food, Culinesse
is working to elevate the dining experience
for residents and guests.
The title, “Unscripted,” comes from
Messiah Lifeways’ belief life doesn’t
need to slow down as you grow older—
it can be whatever you want it to be.
The content is lifestyle-esque with a
blend of longer-form features, DIYs,
recipes, wellness topics, and other
shorter-form pieces.