Messiah Lifeways 2023-2024 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 3
from the President
Over the past two years, Messiah Lifeways® has made signi昀椀cant strides in
strengthening both our community and our impact. We’ve worked diligently
to enhance the services we offer, broaden the ways we serve older adults,
and create an environment where both residents and team members can
thrive. These efforts have laid the foundation for the growth and innovation
we continue to pursue, and the results speak for themselves in the lives we’ve
touched and the relationships we’ve fostered.
Much of the progress we’ve seen has been shaped through collaboration
with our Board of Directors and a steadfast commitment to our mission to
serve older adults with Christ-like love. Together, we’ve worked to re昀椀ne our
approach, ensuring that our values remain at the core of everything we do,
while adapting to meet the needs of those we serve. Through each moment
of the last two years, I am endlessly grateful for the unwavering support of
residents, families, and team members.
Looking ahead, we are excited to build on this momentum. With God’s
continued guidance, we remain focused on our mission and we are con昀椀dent
that the work we’ve begun will continue to 昀氀ourish. I am grateful for your
prayers and support as we continue this important work together.
Karl J. Brummer
President & CEO