Messiah Lifeways 2023-2024 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 18
Messiah Lifeways
Giving Societies
List of 2023-2024 donors
Juan & Clair Arocho
Bernard F. Bailey & Olga
Bailey Living Trust
Kenneth & Sara Davis +^
Ellen K. Dell
Henry & Patricia
Dorothy Bodwell ^
Estate of Gladys S. Dixon +
Ralph G. Halter Trust
Fund +
Donald & Judy Bogart
Gene & Patricia Dose +
Glen & Wanda Heise +
Borough of Shiremanstown
Jennifer Dose +
Fred & Joanne Helmuth
Gretchen Brewer +
Kay Dowhower
Gerald & Janice Hess +
Diane Brokenshire Estate +
Jane M. Ebersole ^
Rodney & Lynda Hess
Michele Maglich Brown +
Evalene Eichelberger +^
Roy & Esther Hess +^
Clarence & Mary Ann
Brubaker ^
Millard & Sharon Engle +^
Michael & Chrissy Hoffner
Mona Engle +
Erma Hoover +^
Nevin Engle +
Charles & Anne* Honeywell
Phyllis Engle ^
Shirley Hughes*
Sharon S. Engle +
John & Janice Hummel
John Ensign
Estate of Nancy Jane
Hunsberger +
JoAnne Brubaker +^
Mervin* & Myrtle Brubaker +^
Ruth A. Brubaker ^
Samuel & Lucy Brubaker
Charitable Remainder
Unitrust +
Kathryn Carmines +^
Martha Eshelman +
Martha Huston ^
A. Wesley & Jill Carr +
Thomas & Deborah
Fenstermacher +^
Judy Ann Chronister ^
Robert Gates +
Lois Kauffman +^
Lona Climenhaga +^
Glenn* & Joyce Ginder
George & Rachel Kibler +
Ellen Crompton +
Robert & Mimi Goodling +^
Kathy Kipe +^
Theodore & Janice Crouse ^
Galen Goss ^
Janet Larson
E. Edward & Karen Kapp ^