Messiah Lifeways 2023-2024 Annual Report - Flipbook - Page 13
Volunteer Spotlight
Meet Nancy Vorwald
Nancy is more than just a volunteer at Messiah
Lifeways—she’s part of our community’s heart
and soul. While she doesn’t live on campus,
Nancy volunteers her time almost every day of
the week, sometimes even including several
visits to campus in one day.
Nancy currently serves as the President of the
Messiah Village Auxiliary, Secretary of the
Quilt Guild, participates in book clubs on campus,
and many days you can 昀椀nd her administering
Communion to residents in Enhanced Living.
During the weekends, she and her husband, Mike,
enjoy much-deserved downtime and delicious
meals, together, on campus in Café 100.
Did you know that since 1988, the
Messiah Village Auxiliary has contributed
nearly $1.8 million dollars to projects
and initiatives at Messiah Lifeways?
The Auxiliary’s most recent contributions
have been toward the construction of
Kibler Bridge that links Village Center
to Village Square and the creation
of a Media Room in Bailey Street.
Furthermore, the Messiah Village
Auxiliary contributes funds to the
Benevolent Fund raised through quilt
sales, clothing sales, and purchases
made in gift shops on campus.
Bailey Street Media Room