FI MessiahLifeways UnscriptedMagazine Fall2024 - Flipbook - Page 40
Use these guiding points to give it a tr y—creati ng your own
per fectly imper fect piece of spiritually expressi ve ar twork.
F Choose a canvas and gather supplies
F As you begin to create, remember to
that speak to your soul—whether it
give your brain a rest, allowing the art
be paint, chalk, crayons, or something
to flow from you—creating without a
else—in various colors. Aletheia
plan or expectation. See where your
especially enjoys working with acrylic
raw reactions and feelings take you,
ink on YUPO paper. The non-absorbent
and end with a prayer intention:
nature of the paper paired with the
What is your prayer for your current
ink is messy and hard to control,
state of being?
and it also allows you to wipe it
away and start again.
E X A M P L E : If you identify feelings of
frustration, maybe you’ll reach for darker
F Don’t limit yourself to typical tools.
dumping paint onto your canvas and using
encourages people to experiment with
your hands to move the paint around.
the textures that toothbrushes, straws,
Your prayer, as you are creating, might
and sponges create. Look around and
be for grace from God as you navigate
consider what less traditional items
through this particular emotion. Gold
might be interesting to make art with.
is Aletheia’s personal color for God so
F Ask the question: How would you
like to talk with God today? Allow
yourself time and space to sit with
your response and invite God into that
space. You can also choose a Bible
verse to meditate on—allowing colors
and textures to come to mind that
encapsulate what you may be feeling.
colors and lean into the messiness by
Beyond paintbrushes, Aletheia
Aletheia would pour gold over the dark
colors and pray, God, would you show
me your grace? Would you pour out your
grace on me? In other words, toward the
end of the process, you are encouraged
to do to the paper what you want God
to do to you.