FI MessiahLifeways UnscriptedMagazine Fall2024 - Flipbook - Page 3
If you read our last edition of Unscripted, you
Beyond a meaningful statement piece, this theme of
saw photos of a handmade fingerprint quilt in the
a vibrant tapestry is at the heart of who we are and
magazine’s Noteworthy section—a unifying project
the work we do, as we strive to serve and love older
that featured colorful fingerprints from members of
adults—and truly all individuals we intertwine with—
the Messiah Lifeways® community. These fingerprints
like Christ would. In this fall edition, you’ll see further
from residents, team members, volunteers, and
proof of this in the Newsworthy section, including
clients represented attributes that each person
mentions of members of our community advocating
brings to our mission, including faith, compassion,
for aging rights and the Empowering Women Award
joy, and innovation.
we’re honored to have received.
As you delve deeper into the content, you’ll have
the pleasure of reading a few other stories that
encapsulate the different life experiences, passions,
talents, and perspectives that comprise our
community—from Jeffrey Gabel, a former clown
and enthusiast of the theater arts, to Bill Umberger
and Nancy LeRoy who hosted an Airbnb for several
years, welcoming people from across the globe.
We also explore the story of the land on which our
new active adult community, Fernecrest, will soon
be built—a campus that we anticipate will add new
people, ideas, and initiatives to our organization.
Our Messiah Lifeways community—our tapestry—is
ever-evolving, and I’m glad we can share a glimpse
of that with you through Unscripted.
As Bill and Nancy are quoted saying in the article
on Page 15: “Everybody has a story, if you’re willing
to put yourself in a position to listen.”
Karl Brummer
President & CEO