Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 62
Mercuria is currently involved in a number of business
efforts on which we look forward to making future public
For a number of years Mercuria has employed recycling
announcements. We see efforts to reuse materials that
for a substantial portion of its office-generated waste
might otherwise have historically found their way into a
streams. At a minimum, all offices employ some
landfill as fulfilling Mercuria objectives in adding value to
segregated waste collection for paper and metal cans;
the supply chain to be both environmentally responsible,
while a few offices offer full-stream waste recycling
and financially beneficial.
where all office wastes are processed through intelligent
multi-stream handling which further manage plastic
wastes for recycling and food wastes for composting.
While capable of utilizing a variety of raw feedstocks,
As Mercuria has stated in previous documents a key
Mercuria Biofuels Brunsbüttel facility has for a number
focus of its asset business is to enable the Group to
of years demonstrated the outsized benefit industrial
express its market views through acquisition of physical
recycling can offer. The entire feedstock processed
assets and operations and to allocate risk capital in a
through the facility is (and for some time has been)
cost-effective manner.
comprised of used cooking oils. Historically, much of
this feedstock might have found its way to wastewater
Mercuria has a clear set of investment policy
treatment plants or landfills. The ability of the facility to
guidelines which are approved and monitored by the
utilize this material to chemically convert it into a useful
Board Members. This encompasses a formal, robust
energy commodity is testimony to environmentally
investment review process, including the role of the Deal
smart technical solutions that are also commercially
Execution Committee, selection standards, compliance
and investment methodology.