Mercuria CSR Report 2020 - Flipbook - Page 54
With the belief that employee engagement will be key to Mercuria’s efforts in making meaningful improvements
with regard to Agenda 2030, this further step sought to assess employee views on the organization’s priorities.
The results showed that for some topics that were viewed as highly important, such as Environmental Compliance
and Anti-Corruption efforts, the company’s efforts in reality were well aligned with its ideals. The feedback
showed some views that for other topics, such as Mercuria’s standing with regard to Forced or Compulsory
Labor and Non-discrimination, which while we hold these as high ideals there is a perception that more can be
done to drive these expectations to reality. Mercuria’s leadership will look to use this objective feedback in the
continued development of its programs, policies and procedures. As another forward looking step, Mercuria
further intends to expand the questionnaire to include other stakeholders external to our organization, in particular
to our customers. Through ongoing self-assessment (both from internal and external perspectives) Mercuria
believes it can continue to build upon its existing foundation as it strives to grow and improve.