Mercuria Code-of-Conduct Web - Flipbook - Page 6
Compliance with laws
and regulations
Mercuria’s businesses and activities stretch far
across the globe and fall within the scope of
many different authorities and jurisdictions.
Mercuria requires all of its activities to be in
compliance with all of the laws, rules and
regulations applicable to it, including those
in the physical and financial markets in which
Mercuria operates and trades. Mercuria works
in an open and co-operative way with all of
the authorities that regulate its businesses.
“We Comply with
All Applicable Laws,
Rules and Regulations”
Our employees must always know and understand the local and international laws, rules
and regulations that apply to them and their activities. Any real or potential conflicts among
any of the various laws that apply to our activities should be brought to the attention of
Compliance, Legal or Management immediately.
In addition to complying with Mercuria’s Code, our employees are expected to be vigilant
over the conduct of our counterparts. Facilitating any party to breach applicable laws
could result in legal consequences and serious reputational damage to our company. Any
suspicions that a counterpart is conducting its activities in violation of any laws, rules or
regulations should be taken to Compliance or Legal immediately.
Market abuse is behaviour in a financial or physical market that involves market manipulation
or the misuse of confidential information. Market manipulation includes behaviour that
has the effect of artificially distorting or affecting the supply, demand and / or price of a
commodity or creating an artificial squeeze on a market. Market abuse can be intentional
or unintentional and can be the result of action or inaction. Any number of activities in
physical commodity markets can be considered a market abuse under many of the global
market-abuse regulations, especially if they have an impact on a financial commodity market.
Breaches of market-abuse regulations can lead to criminal prosecution in many jurisdictions.
Mercuria expects all of its employees to behave and trade in a way that is appropriate and
in compliance with market-abuse rules and regulations. All employees should be familiar
with the market-abuse rules and regulations applicable to their activities and should act in
accordance with them at all times.