Mercuria Code-of-Conduct Web - Flipbook - Page 13
Gifts and entertainment provided by Mercuria employees must not be excessive or provided
to create an obligation and must be consistent with customary business practices.
All gifts and entertainment must be provided in accordance with our policies and procedures.
Mercuria recognises that conflicts of interest and potential conflicts of interest can arise
during the course of business activities, and that those conflicts need to be identified and
managed when they occur. A conflict of interest can occur in any situation where either
the aims or concerns of two parties are incompatible or where a person is in a position to
derive personal benefit from their official capacity. Conflicts can exist, for example, between
Mercuria and an employee or Mercuria and one or more business partner.
Conflicts of interest exist where you, or someone close to you, could benefit at the expense
of Mercuria, you are in a situation that could result in lost opportunity for Mercuria, or you
are in a situation that has the potential to affect your objectivity and work performance.
Examples of potential or actual conflicts of interest include having a personal financial
interest in a company that operates in an area directly related to your responsibilities at
Mercuria or to which you give business, conducting business on behalf of Mercuria with a
company owned or managed by a friend or relative, using Mercuria resources for personal
benefit or for an outside business, and receiving discounts or anything of value from a party
with whom Mercuria does business.
All employees are required to ensure that any conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of
interest are identified and reported as soon as reasonably possible.
Mercuria takes its confidentiality obligations very seriously and respects the confidentiality of
its business partners at all times. Mercuria complies with confidentiality laws and obligations
and requires all of its employees not to disclose confidential information that comes into
the employee’s possession as a result of employment at Mercuria at any time during or
after their employment with Mercuria. Confidentiality obligations apply to confidential
information belonging to Mercuria, its employees, its investors and shareholders and its
business associates, vendors and customers.
Mercuria has specific policies and procedures relating to confidentiality in respect of certain
aspects of its businesses restricting the flow of information within Mercuria. These policies
and procedures must be adhered to at all times.
Any breach or potential breach, including erroneous or inadvertent breaches, must be
reported immediately.