Mercuria Code-of-Conduct Web - Flipbook - Page 11
Business and Integrity
Mercuria is committed to working with
partners and counterparts who share
the same commitment and dedication
to ethical and compliant behaviour.
Mercuria is focused on building long-term
commercial relationships that will benefit the
communities in which we operate and the
markets in which we trade. Mercuria operates
a rigorous Know Your Customer (“KYC”)
programme across its global businesses.
“We conduct all of our
business with integrity”
It is prohibited for any employee to enter into a contractual relationship or sign any binding
document until full KYC has been completed according to Mercuria’s KYC procedures.
Mercuria expects all of its employees to assist with and adhere to the KYC standards set by
Mercuria both at inception of a new relationship and on an ongoing basis during the lifetime
of the relationship.
Mercuria requires all employees to comply with all national and international laws and
regulations covering money laundering and terrorist financing that are applicable to its
activities. Money laundering is a generic term commonly used to describe the process of
hiding the origins of illicit funds.
The offences covered by anti-money laundering laws include:
Money laundering – Any process by which criminals disguise the original ownership and
control of the proceeds of criminal conduct by making such proceeds appear to have derived
from a legitimate source. This includes acquiring, using or possessing criminal property;
concealing the nature, source, location or ownership of criminal property; converting or
transferring criminal property or removing it from a country; facilitating the acquisition,
retention, use or control of criminal property; assisting terrorist financing in any other way.
Tipping off – disclosing (in particular, to the subject) anything likely to effect an investigation
or the suspect gets the chance to conceal the fraud;
Prejudicing an investigation – falsifying, concealing, destroying or disposing of relevant documents;