CSR Mercuria 2019 - Flipbook - Page 63
Mercuria has had considerable success with and continues to
expand its program for the employment of trainees in a range
of roles throughout the organization. Individuals joining our
organization through this means are able to work alongside
recognized experts in their field. A number of the persons
who have first been exposed to the global commodities market through this program continue on to become permanent,
full-time employees with our organization.
Master of Arts in International Trading, Commodity Finance
and Shipping
Mercuria offers trainee positions for students who have been
accepted to study on the Masters Programme by the University of Geneva. The Master in International Trading, Commodity Finance and Shipping is an intensive 18 month academic
course run by with the University of Geneva in collaboration
with the Swiss Trading and Shipping Association (STSA). Mercuria is an active participant to the scientific committee of
this unique program. The students are fully integrated in Mercuria’s team. They follow the courses at the University 2 days
per week.
EPFL Master
Mercuria offers trainee positions of 6 months for students
ending their Masters within the EPFL institution. The EPFL is a
research institute and University specialized in natural sciences and engineering. During their internships, the interns are
assigned a project which will be the subject of their Master
Thesis. The objective of a Master Project is to carry out a project in a challenging, innovative and fast paced professional
Our students put into practice the methodological and technical competencies acquired during their studies and show
their ability to work independently. The internship / master
project offers students professional work experience and the
opportunity to familiarize themselves with the way our Company operates, including insights into our main processes.