CSR Mercuria 2019 - Flipbook - Page 39
Mercuria’s leadership holds for itself that, as a company, our culture is our most defining asset.
The Management Team recognizes the critical importance of setting the right tone and appropriate objectives for the organization. We believe that finding the best path forward comes
from ensuring that all employees feel empowered to provide feedback and challenge thought
processes and existing practices. Our reputation is everything and we want people to feel
proud to work for Mercuria and for this reason Compliance and best ethical practices are central to all of our activities and decisions
Human Rights
Mercuria fundamentally believes in and engages
in matters concerning Human Rights; not solely
in the traditional sense of conducting fair market business; but further to this that we believe
in equal opportunity for business irrespective of
matters which have no bearing upon an individual’s ability to be a productive participant.
Mercuria fully vets any potential counterparties
or contractors prior to engagement, and requires
that all those we do business with either have in
place polices concerning Human Rights which
are consistent with ours, or certify willingness to
embrace our policies directly.
Supply Chain and Responsible
Mercuria holds an integral role within the supply chain, helping our customers and business
partners to buy, sell and ship the raw materials
needed for manufacturing, energy and infrastructure. With this role, Mercuria further recognizes
and accepts its duties to act responsibly consistent with best in class standards as required by
the world’s most rigorous regulatory regimes.
Through its statements on Conflict Minerals, and
on Modern Slavery; Mercuria has committed itself to sourcing products from companies that
share our values in respect of human rights, ethics and environmental responsibility. We have
publically committed to the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights and support
the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (the “Ruggie Principles”). With this
we look to conduct our business with integrity
and transparency; carrying out appropriate risk
assessments of supply chains through on-theground checks. We call upon both ourselves and
our business partners to take action to deal with
any problems that may be identified through our
own or commissioned independent third party
audits. Throughout, we confirm as a core duty
under ‘human rights laws’ to ensure our business
does not cause or contribute to abuses of those
rights. In all areas in which we operate we look to
act with respect to the local communities’ cultural
heritage, customs and rights; including those of
indigenous peoples.
Health and Safety
Throughout our organization, concerns for the
wellbeing of our employees, contractors, partners and the communities in which we operate
are given priority above all other aspects of our
business. This priority is expressed in a topdown fashion as a fundamental value held by the
Group’s leadership, and expected of all members
within our organization.
During 2019, our organization had good results
for matters concerning Health and Safety. Within
Mercuria, and as reported for all of our business
units where we have a controlling interest; we had
no fatalities or serious injuries. As incidents of
these types are ‘lagging indicators’ we attribute
this positive result primarily to the close attention
throughout our operating assets to workers’ safety. We attribute some of this success to efforts
across many of the Assets during 2019 calling attention to and encouraging workers to report observations of unsafe conditions or near misses.
While our results in this regard were positive we
cannot allow complacency, and will be continuing
to press for further development in this regard.