CSR Mercuria 2018 - Flipbook - Page 36
All employees are expected to comply with Mercuria’s policies related to environmental health
and safety, including its HSE Principles, which
Mercuria publically published in the second quarter of 2018. Mercuria’s HSE Policy Statement can
be found on our website and is referenced both
as a statement for our employees to follow, and
as a public declaration of our values.
As part of its commitment to HSE Mercuria considers and focuses on the following in all of its
• Health and Environmental Standards (air, soil,
water and waste)
• Safety and Security Plans (including consideration of areas of conflict)
• Regulatory Permitting (including issues of social justice and labor practices)
Mercuria also publishes our Safety Data Sheets
(also referred to as Material Safety Data Sheets)
on our website. These Data Sheets provide important health and safety information about our
products, and serve as an effective means for
hazard communication in support of various
hazard communication laws and regulations.
Please use the link below to access the most
current versions of our Safety Data Sheets:
In the communities where Mercuria operates,
where possible it employs local people to manage and run its facilities. Mercuria believes this
helps to create more sustainable businesses
that are beneficial to the local community as well
as being commercially sensible.
Local facility and business operations are tasked
with and manage their day-to-day operations.
Over the past three years, Mercuria was informed
of certain environmental incidents whose character was such that local regulatory authorities
were also informed of their occurrence.
• During 2016, there were eight events which required notification to Authorities
• During 2017, there were thirteen events which
required notification to Authorities
• During 2018, there were two events which required notification to Authorities
In relation to the occurrence of events, which
may be reported to Regulatory bodies in accordance with local regulations, the resolution of
some events may require payments of Administrative Penalties.
• During 2016, there were no administrative penalties paid in relation to any environmental incidents.
• During 2017, there was a total of $18,750, which
was paid in relation to environmental incidents.
• During 2018, there was a total of
$9,250 paid in relation to environmental compliance issues.
As discussed above, Mercuria holds issues of
worker health and safety in the highest regard
and is committed to conducting our business in
an ethical and responsible manner, always being
mindful and considerate of the local communities in which we operate.
The local operations management are tasked
with the appropriate evaluation of risks, and development of appropriate mitigating practices
through appropriate engineering designs, work
practices, employee training and appropriate
use of protective equipment. While Mercuria demands prudent and careful operations, events
have occurred where certain systems or practices failed.
• During 2016 there were a total of eight incidents
which were so serious as to have resulted in injuries requiring medical attention. None of these
incidents resulted in any fatalities.
• During 2017 there were a total of six incidents
which were so serious as to have resulted in injuries requiring medical attention. Sadly, one incident resulted in the death of a contract worker.
• During 2018, there were a total of four incidents
where medical attention was sought. None of
these resulted in hospitalization, permanent disability or fatalities.
In every the case of every incident, Mercuria
looks for careful objective reviews to be conducted of the event to look into the underlying
circumstances and causes. From these reviews,
measures are taken to strengthen the programs
for the operations, to better guard against the
potential for future recurrence of such tragic circumstances.