CSR Mercuria 2018 - Flipbook - Page 21
1527 where it was considering property acquisitions. One such investigation conducted during
2018 addressed a property encompassing over
2,200 well sites, along with the related gas gathering and compression network.
In addition, Mercuria conducts numerous ongoing
assessments of varying degrees of complexity
concerning various aspects of facility operations,
program implementation for compliance with existing or developing regulations and independent
evaluations of leased facilities.
All of our employees are empowered with StopWork Authority. This provides any person regardless of their role or position to raise an alarm and
stop work if undue concern or dangerous situations are observed. While it is expected that this
authority will not be abused, it is similarly advised
that no adverse response will be taken against
any individuals using the authority in good faith.
All operating companies (regardless of Mercuria’s
level of ownership) have appropriate emergency
action and spill contingency plans (“plans”). The
plans are tailored to entity’s specific business activities, reflecting both the entity’s specific physical operations and geographic area of business.
These Business Unit (and facility specific) plans
are initially developed through pre-planning risk
assessments of the business, from which measures to eliminate or mitigate risks are considered and implemented as appropriate. The plans
include strategies for communications, both for
how initial alarms would be raised, and providing
the framework and strategy of how the response
effort would be managed. In addition, the plans
also generally document what resources or assets may be available (such as spill response kit
locations, caches of firefighting equipment, spill
responder contacts and equipment, etc.). The all
organizations have structured their plans where
the entity’s initial response efforts can be integrated into a larger response effort involving assistance from third parties and governmental or
quasi-governmental entities, if needed. Finally the
plans provide a framework to transition through
the response effort from regaining control and
containing the impact of an event, to any clean-up
or recovery of an incident to resumption of business activities and reflection on any incident for
improvements in future operations.